Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Who am I ? Who I am...

Julius Caesar, the roman emperor, said in 47 BC " Veni Vedi Vici" which translates to ' i came, i saw , i conquered' . i share the same sentiment with the worthy leader. this is my time and my place and i will make it mine.

Who am I? well to put it simply my name is Murtaza Khurshid but more popularly known as Mir. I was born and raised in the UAE (for those who dont know where that is, Look it up please) and moved to Pakistan. I am the middle of three siblings and also the only boy.

Who am I? i am currently in Malaysia completing my Mass Communication degree by 2010. i have chosen Public Relations as my major because i consider myslef more of a people person than behind a desk or in an office.

Who am I? i consider myself a pro active youth who cant stand injustice, poverty, double standards, commercialism and anyone who just listens to one point of view. i study and research human behaviour, different cultures and trends to come to different conclusions about the world we live in.

Who am I? i dream about a day where i can be involved in making a difference in the world and make lots of money. success to me is measured by an indiviual' s character rather than the material things they own.

What to expect form this blog? well i hope that i can disect and examine the many wierd and odd things in our life. current affairs will be discussed religously because i believe we must be aware of what is happening around us, and dont worry i will keep it fresh, interesting and addictive.

i hope that you guys will like reading and visiting this space as much as i will having you guys here. please participate and give feedback so that we can turn mere incidents and news into living, growing conversations

a special thanks to the love of my life and partner in crime that inspires me everyday and gives me the strength to be the person i am. love you boo