Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Price One Pays......

Ever mad that the internet is not working? Do you lose it on the way from or to work when you are stuck in traffic? How about paying for an expensive meal but turned out it was not nice at all? Well then my friend you are one of the blessed ones living in this world.

I know of people who are escaping war, trying to stay alive, nourish themselves and their children and stay optimistic for a better future.

As citizens of the world it is important to keep ourselves updated on news, even if it doesn't affect us, a phenomena i found in Malaysia where a lot of people are just plain clueless of what is happening outside Kuala Lumpur.

There is a massive military operation going on in the northern areas of Pakistan along the border of Afghanistan where another massive military operation is being carried out by the Americans. If you are not a soldier and worried about a bomb falling on your head, you must escape the war zone in search of food, shelter and health care.

ISLAMABAD: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has warned of a humanitarian crisis if the international community does not come up with a massive and speedy assistance to the affected people of troubled areas in Pakistan.
  • registered 1.171682 million refugees
  • Of these 1.171682 million refugees, 1.30 million are living in camps and rest of 1.04 million is still without camps
Time is running out fellow human beings. There is a shortage of everything from basic food supplies to clothes, medical facilities, schools and security. well i can go on about the facts and what we need to do but i wont. I would like whoever reading this post to actually just check for themselves if they are interested on what is happening.

They say a Picture speaks a thousand words..... here are some that speak 3 million displaced people.

I hope and pray that all people everywhere have the basic needs that sometimes we take for granted. We all can make a difference even if it starts with us......

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Time Management

Hey all, sorry for the delay in the post but i have been poor in my ability to manage my time. i have been so busy with uni work, two events on campus and one event at boiler room which will start on the 21st of may Thursday and last for the next 5 Thursdays. at the same time i am planning another event in the middle of July but that's a secret right now..

Do follow to find out more... trust me it will be worth it.

So now i have a serious problem. all of these things can be done as long as i manage my time correctly. therefore i must be on point, focused and delegate my time accordingly. please wish me luck and i shall be updating you on the events coming up.

Well a lot of you may be wondering what i study and why do i have so many things going on. i am studying Mass Communication and intend to major in Public Relations. one of my passions is event management. therefore i am very active when it comes to events in school.

My parents , teachers and elders always reminded me throughout my life that whatever you want to do, you must be passionate. if you lack passion then you lack success. after graduating high school i decided to work and that's where i discovered my true talents. it was being around people, forming opinion, making a difference and managing issue and crisis. once i discovered all these i realized that mass comm would be the career choice for me.

Ever since i started my degree, i have been giving all that i have to my education. but text books, classrooms and exams are nothing. the person you develop yourself to be is what will make people want to hire you and work with you.

My advise for today would be that be passionate. love your work and how you do it. once you have mastered what you are passionate about.....

In the words of Notorious B.I.G, 'sky is the limit'

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Remember Always

I am always amazed how lives are connected throughout the world. We may have different faces, colors, language and gender but we can still find common ground. Like falling in love for the first time or seeing your new born child for the first time.

How about the loss of a loved one, of a community or even the future. May 12th, we remember the victims of the sichuan province earthquake. more than 80,000 people lost their lives and god knows how many more were affected. Many lost their sisters, brothers , wives, husband, parents and children. They lost their chance to see their kids first graduation, their first relationship, their first job.

a father who lost his son said "We came to remember our son. But this was not just a natural disaster. He died from people's actions, We just hope that lesson isn't forgotten."

Natural disasters cannot be blamed on anyone from this world and is a part of life. but the way we handle , prepare and avoid the outcome of such natural disasters is up to us. We elect and nominate people to positions of power because we believe that they shall keep our well being and safety at heart.

Alas, we are reminded by history that human beings have a tendency to be selfish, cruel and outright blatantly blind to the needs of others. This earthquake really struck a chord in my heart because the same happened in the northern areas of Pakistan where an earthquake took many lives.

The tragedy could have been less in number and fatalities if the government, contractors and building inspectors did their job correctly. The schools were built with incorrect materials trying to cut costs so that money could go into their pockets.

People always say that money is the root of all evil. I disagree. The need, the want, the desire and how we go about making money is the root of all evil.

Remember those who passed away in such calamities and make sure that when you are in a position to make a choice .

Make it the right one.......

Who am I ? Who I am...

Julius Caesar, the roman emperor, said in 47 BC " Veni Vedi Vici" which translates to ' i came, i saw , i conquered' . i share the same sentiment with the worthy leader. this is my time and my place and i will make it mine.

Who am I? well to put it simply my name is Murtaza Khurshid but more popularly known as Mir. I was born and raised in the UAE (for those who dont know where that is, Look it up please) and moved to Pakistan. I am the middle of three siblings and also the only boy.

Who am I? i am currently in Malaysia completing my Mass Communication degree by 2010. i have chosen Public Relations as my major because i consider myslef more of a people person than behind a desk or in an office.

Who am I? i consider myself a pro active youth who cant stand injustice, poverty, double standards, commercialism and anyone who just listens to one point of view. i study and research human behaviour, different cultures and trends to come to different conclusions about the world we live in.

Who am I? i dream about a day where i can be involved in making a difference in the world and make lots of money. success to me is measured by an indiviual' s character rather than the material things they own.

What to expect form this blog? well i hope that i can disect and examine the many wierd and odd things in our life. current affairs will be discussed religously because i believe we must be aware of what is happening around us, and dont worry i will keep it fresh, interesting and addictive.

i hope that you guys will like reading and visiting this space as much as i will having you guys here. please participate and give feedback so that we can turn mere incidents and news into living, growing conversations

a special thanks to the love of my life and partner in crime that inspires me everyday and gives me the strength to be the person i am. love you boo