Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Price One Pays......

Ever mad that the internet is not working? Do you lose it on the way from or to work when you are stuck in traffic? How about paying for an expensive meal but turned out it was not nice at all? Well then my friend you are one of the blessed ones living in this world.

I know of people who are escaping war, trying to stay alive, nourish themselves and their children and stay optimistic for a better future.

As citizens of the world it is important to keep ourselves updated on news, even if it doesn't affect us, a phenomena i found in Malaysia where a lot of people are just plain clueless of what is happening outside Kuala Lumpur.

There is a massive military operation going on in the northern areas of Pakistan along the border of Afghanistan where another massive military operation is being carried out by the Americans. If you are not a soldier and worried about a bomb falling on your head, you must escape the war zone in search of food, shelter and health care.

ISLAMABAD: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has warned of a humanitarian crisis if the international community does not come up with a massive and speedy assistance to the affected people of troubled areas in Pakistan.
  • registered 1.171682 million refugees
  • Of these 1.171682 million refugees, 1.30 million are living in camps and rest of 1.04 million is still without camps
Time is running out fellow human beings. There is a shortage of everything from basic food supplies to clothes, medical facilities, schools and security. well i can go on about the facts and what we need to do but i wont. I would like whoever reading this post to actually just check for themselves if they are interested on what is happening.

They say a Picture speaks a thousand words..... here are some that speak 3 million displaced people.

I hope and pray that all people everywhere have the basic needs that sometimes we take for granted. We all can make a difference even if it starts with us......

1 comment:

  1. Poor kids.The government "fellows" are extremely selfish and corrupted.They only think about their own good,driving a nice car,living in a big house,eating expensive food and so on but they never can feel what poor ppl feel.Like US,government ppl escape the war for their own children but send other children to the war and die for them! Well,what can we reli do about it?the world is F***ed up now! We need to pray and hope everyone lives a good life at least no need to worry about each meal! God bless!
